segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

Fernando Pessoa - Meantime

Far away, far away,

Far away from here...
There is no worry after joy
Or away from fear
Far away from here.
Her lips were not very red,
Not her hair quite gold.
Her hands played with rings.
She did not let me hold
Her hands playing with gold.
She is something past,
Far away from pain.
Joy can touch her not, nor hope
Enter her domain,
Neither love in vain.
Perhaps at some day beyond
Shadows and light
She will think of me and make
All me a delight
All away from sight.

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011

Fernando Pessoa - SPELL

From the moonlit brink of dreams
        I stretch foiled hands to thee,
O borne down other streams
        Than eye can think to see!
O crowned with spirit-beams!
        O veiled spirituality!
My dreams and thoughts abate
        Their pennons at thy feet,
O angel born too late
        For fallen men to meet!
In what new sensual state
        Could our twined lives feel sweet?
What new emotion must
        I dream to think thee mine?
What purity of lust?
        O tendrilled as a vine
Around my caressed trust!
        O dream-pressed spirit-wine!
Poemas Ingleses. Fernando Pessoa. (Edição bilingue, com prefácio, traduções, variantes e notas de Jorge de Sena e traduções também de Adolfo Casais Monteiro e José Blanc de Portugal.) Lisboa: Ática, 1974.
  - 204.
1ª pub. in Contemporânea, nº 9. Lisboa: Mar. 1923.